Academic Conferences with paper publication

Important Information:

ACN is  is a leading publisher of scientific research works in highly cited, high indexed and high standard International Journals such as SCOPUS, SCI/ESCI, Web of Science, UGC, ADBC  etc.

The ACN can submit the extended version of registered conference papers to the International journals (List-A and List-B) with the written request from the author. Cost of Publication in List-A Journal is Free (Only online Publication) for all ACN Registered Research Papers and authors need not pay if it’s got selected for the journal for online publication. The cost of Publication in List-B Journal is 50 USD to 400USD per paper which will not be included in the ACN conference registration fees.

The tentative time period for Publication: For List-A Journal the duration of publication is 30 to 90 days after the day of the Conference. For List-B Journal the duration of publication is 30 to 120 days after the day of the conference (may exceed 6 months).

List-A Journals

International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems (IJVSS)
ISSN: 0975-3060
Indexing: Scopus (Q4) & UGC CARE Group II
Issue:- Regular
Journal Link:-
Scope:- All Engineering Related Articles. Vehicle structures: complete vehicle design, body-in-white (BIW), closures, and all
Scope:- All Engineering Related Articles. Vehicle structures: complete vehicle design, body-in-white (BIW), closures, and all
systems (such as power train, steering, suspension, brakes, etc.) requiring stiffness, strength, vibration, and impact energy absorption considerations.
Publication Price: INR 60000/ USD 720
Publication Duration : 45- 60 Business days Approximately.(From the date of author's payment and / or final article's receipt)

International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems
ISSN: 2185-310X
Issue:- Regular
Indexed in :- Scopus (Q2) & UGC Care Group II
Journal Link:
Scopus Link:
Scope: General Engineering,Soft computing,Hard computing,Hybrid computing,Grid computing,Intelligent information engineering,Information Education System,Communication network,Sensor network,Computer network,Network simulation,Security engineering for networks and computers, Multi-core technology and parallel processing systems,Bio-inspired systems,Circuits design and systems,Signal processing systems,Industrial engineering systems,Power System control,Power distribution,Robot engineering and applications,Intelligent CAD/CAE/CAM systems,Advanced design and fabrication systems,Emerging design theory and technologies in manufacturing systems
Publication Price: INR 70000/ USD 900
Acceptance Duration: 90 -120 Business days Approximately

Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences
ISSN: 1727-4915
Indexing: Scopus (Q4), WoS Zoological Record, EBSCO & UGC CARE Group II
Journal Link:-
Scopus Link:-
Scope:- Only Scope based Articles(Social Sciences (Multidisciplinary),Arts and Humanities(Multidisciplinary),History,InformationSystems,Sociology,Education,Fine Arts (Multidisciplinary),English as a Foreign Language (TESOL, EFL, ESP),Psychology,Planning and Development,Management,Economics,Business,Tourism,Biology,Agriculture,Public Health,Agricultural and Biological Sciences, General Biochemistry,Medical Laboratory Technology,Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,Surgery,Cardiology,Radiology,Orthopedics,Ophthalmology,Psychiatry,Anesthesiology,Pharmacy,Physica l Therapy,Pathology,Public Health)
Publication Price: INR 75000 & USD 930
Publication Duration : 60 Business days Approximately.(From the date of author's payment)

International journal of medical toxicology and legal medicine
Scopus Q3
Journal Link:-
Scopus :
Cost: 84000 INR or 1000 USD

Letters in High Energy Physics
Journal Link:
ISSN: 2632-2714
Scopus Link:
Indexing: Scopus Q2, HEC
Scimagojr Link:
All Scope papers allowed
Cost: 300000 INR or 600 USD

Communications on Applied nonlinear analysis
Journal Url:-
ISSN: 1074-133X
Scopus Url:-
Scope: all domain
Cost: 47K INR or 600 USD

Frontiers in Health Informatics
ISSN-Online: 2676-7104
Subject :Medicine, Health Informatics
Indexing: Scopus Q4, Google scholar, DOAJ, H-Index 7
55K INR 700USD

Library Progress International
eISSN: 2320-317X, pISSN: 0970-1052
Indexed In: Scopus Q4
Duration : Acceptance within 2-3 days and publication within 5-7 days
scope: All domain
Journal Link:
Scopus :
25K INr or 300USD

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Zoology
eISSN: 2320-3188, pISSN: 0970-0765
Indexed In: web of Science (ESCI)
Duration : Acceptance within 2-3 days and publication within 5-7 days
scope: All domain
25K INr or 300USD

Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications
ISSN: 1521-1398,1572-9206 (Online)
Q4 Scopus:
All Science and engineering topics
25K INR or 300USD

South Eastern European Journal of Public Health
Scope: Medicine, Health Policy, Social Sciences, Medicine, Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Scopus Link:
ISSN: 2197-5248
Journal Link:
Publication in 15 days
Price: 45K INR or 550USD

African Journal of Biomedical Research
Scopus: coverage from 2011 to 2025
Medicine: General Medicine, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutics, Multidisciplinary
Scopus Link-
Journal Link-
Price: 40K INR or 500USD

African Journal of Biological Sciences
Scope: Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Animal Science and Zoology, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, (miscellaneous)
price: 22K inr or 300 USD